IMER Systems was established on October 1, 2016. From the very beginning, the company focused on the development of medical devices and scientific instrumentation used in applied and industrial research. Below we present selected events from the company’s history.
We have started a wide-ranging cooperation aimed at developing a new, non-invasive method of vascular endothelial testing.
We have started a cooperation with the Wroclaw Medical University by implementing the first measuring device developed for angiologists from the University Hospital in Wroclaw - the G-2290 goniometer.
We have received a patent granted for an invention called Method and device for measuring vascular system parameters.
We have received a patent granted for an invention called Method and apparatus for performing 6-minute walking test.
We have invested in the purchase of the latest Altium Designer (EDA) and SolidWorks (3D CAD) design software suites.
As a part of the further development of our laboratory, we've invested in a bunch of new highest-quality laboratory equipment from Keysight, Rigol i GW Instek.
We have received a patent granted for an invention called Method and apparatus for measuring of tissue perfusion.
We've completed work on one of the most advanced measuring devices in our portfolio - a high-resolution multi-channel measurement system for measurement of cardiovascular parameters - cvEF3-PRO3.
We've expanded the system for generating (under)pressure used in research on carotid sinus baroreceptors conducted by the Department of Physiology of the Wrocław Medical University.
We have finished work on our latest version of the fully automatic device for measuring the vascular endothelial function - Endo3C.
In October 2021, we celebrated the 5th anniversary of IMER Systems. It is also a great time to start a large R&D project, integrating our previous design and research experience.
As part of the 5th anniversary of IMER Systems, we have launched the project, under which we help polish doctors interested in creating innovations for medicine in an effective transformation of their ideas into a ready-to-implement technology.
We have completed work on the improved version of our LTHS - an advanced digital thermal stimulator with a thermodynamic recorder function.
IMER Systems 2025 | Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone | All rights reserved